
Bulletin of the 5th Cross-border Skirogaining 2015

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Bulletin of the 5th Cross-border Skirogaining 2015

Organizing authority: Czech Association of Rogaining and Mountain Orienteering (CAR)
Organizing subject: Krušnohorský Rogainingový Klub Litvínov
Date: February 22 – March 1 2015
Event site: Klíny in Ore Mountains, Czech Republic
Event centre: Penzion Stará škola, location on outdoormapa.cz.
Event type: Team skirogaining, optional order and number of visited check points.
Participation in Saturday facultative training will be awarded by 15 point bonus counting towards the Sunday race.
Race area: Interconnected Ski-areals along the Czech-German border. Race area is determined by municipalities of Litvínov, Klíny, Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Olbernhau, Sayda, Deutschgeorgenthal, Nové Město v Krušných horách, Osek and Lom.
Terrain: Hilly terrain, broken relief, elevation between 350 - 956 m above sea level, matching highland- or mountain-type surroundings. Terrain predominantly covered by forest, average density of paths and skitracks, a steep slope occurs.
Map: Special map for skirogaining, A3 format, scale 1:50 000, e=10 m,
updated in February 2015, no waterproof layout
Time measurement and punching system: Finish time will be measured using the SportIdent system.
!!! Each team member has to start with its own SI chip !!!
SI chip could be borrowed from organizer for 50 CZK/pc.
!!! In case of a lost chip a fee of 1000,- CZK will be asked!!!
Teams and categories:

Each team consists of 2-5 members, you may enter the following categories:

M - all men,
W - all women,
X - at least one man and one woman;

J - juniors - all team members must be 18 years old or younger
O - open - no age limits
V - veterans - all team members must be 40 years old or older P - newcomers - no age and gender limitation

All team members must go through the whole race together. If any member of a team gives up the race his/her team is obliged to come to finish and end up the race.

Participation regulations: All participants have to sign an indemnity form at the registration. From participants younger than 18 years a signature of their parents or legitimate representative will be asked. The form can be downloaded here.
Entries and entry fees:

Using On-line Entry System on the event website.

Via e-mail (in English): krk@rogaining.cz
Mandatory content of the e-mail entry: team name or name of a club, gender and age category, surnames and names of all team members, their dates of birth and SI chip numbers, or request to borrow them, demand of start in Saturday training or demand of accommodation. Your entry is accepted at the moment you received the organizer's reply.

Early registration (up to Sunday February 22 2015, 24:00):

  • newcomers 120 CZK per person
  • juniors 120 CZK per person
  • others 250 CZK per person

Late registration (after Sunday February 22 2015):

  • newcomers 120 CZK per person
  • juniors 200 CZK per person
  • others 350 CZK per person

Saturday training fee:

  • 40 CZK per person

Payment instruction:

Foreign participants are allowed to pay cash at the event office.

Accommodation: Accommodation can be ordered via On-line Entry System. Limited number of beds for 390 CZK per person and night (breakfast not included) will be available right at the event centre in Penzion Stará škola. Hard floor accommodation in a close gym will be available for 150 CZK per person and night (own sleeping bags).
Time schedule:

Friday Feb 27 2015:
19:00 – 22:00 - registration at the event centre

Saturday Feb 28 2015:
10:00 – 16:00 - facultative training
19:00 – 22:00 - registration at the event centre

Sunday March 1 2015:
8:30 - start of race map handout
8:45 - starting corridor opens, clearing and checking of SI chips starts
8:55 - final information of the course setter
9:00 - start of Skirogaining
15:00 - end of the 6 hour limit
16:00 - prize giving ceremony

Classification: Each check point is marked in the map by a circle with a check point code. The first figure of the code multiplied by ten gives the point value of a check point. The number and order of the visited control points is up to discretion of each team (go-as-you-please). Passing of each control point has to be marked by inserting SI-card into the SI unit. The final ranking of each team depends on the sum of the points gained. In case of a draw the better time wins.
Exceeding of given time limit: each started minute equals to 20 point penalization. If the time limit is exceeded by more than 30 minutes, team will not be classified.
Successful participation in Saturday facultative training (return within 3 hour time limit with non-zero point result) will be awarded by 15 point bonus counting towards the Sunday race.
Transport: One’s own, organizer doesn't provide.
Parking: At the parking lot nearby of the event centre, please respect organizers’ instructions.
Refreshment: Hot tea in the goal of Skirogaining, organizer's meal will be served in a restaurant of Penzion Stará škola. Meal coupons are to be find in the team's registration envelope.
Officials: Event director: Jan Tojnar
Course setters: Jan Tojnar, Jan Čech
Information: Event website: https://skirogaining.krk-litvinov.cz/en/
Please note:
  • The race is organized according to the IRF and Ski-Orienteering rules. During the whole race every participant has to carry the complete ski-equipment. Possible rule exceptions will be announced on the event website or in the final bulletin.
  • As the race area is situated along the Czech - German border, each participant has to carry his/her ID card or passport during the whole race.
  • Taking part in the skirogaining race is on the own risk of each competitor. The organizer doesn’t hold responsibility and/or liability for any damage caused by any participant of the race.